Packing: Efficient & Stylish

You know I can’t do anything in a non-aesthetically-pleasing way. My entire life revolves around being intentional, and packing my suitcase is no different! Just like everyone else (and Jenna Marbles), I absolutely have the tendency to overpack…

I’m going to New Orleans this weekend and all I can worry about is what if it gets cold? Tank tops & puffer jackets! I’m going out, but what if I want pool time or a walk around town? Heels and flip-flops and sneakers!

Screeeeeech. Hold it right there. Being prepared is important. But being efficient is equally important! So here are my favorite packing tools and my best packing tips to get you ready without having to sit on your suitcase to get it shut.

We’re only as good as the tools we use…

💗 Packing cubes are a must-have!

They keep your suitcase categorized to prevent the digging around for an item only to upend your whole suitcase. They also encourage you to put your items back where they belong rather than just tossing them in. Plus they look great! Even better when they come in leopard print ;) .

💗 Waterproof bags for liquid toiletries will save you from tears.

Have you ever had a shampoo bottle explode all over your suitcase? Well, I have. But never again. I place all of my liquids inside waterproof, leak-proof bags. It helps with the organization of the suitcase as well as defending my poor clothes from unfortunate accidents.

💗 Portable batter packs.

I personally keep these everywhere: my house, my car, my purse…so I’m sure to toss one in both my carry-on and my checked bag!

💗 Durable luggage tags.

These are one of the most overlooked and forgotten items when packing. But airplanes are far from foolproof. Remember the Southwest disasters of early 2023 with thousands of bags left behind at airports while the travelers made it to their destinations? It’s infinitely easier and safer to track down a missing bag if you have a luggage tag on it with your contact information!

Now you’re ready to pack!

💗 Plan your outfits in advance.

What events / activities are you planning while there? How do you want to feel? Planning your outfits will also allow you to see if any items can be used for multiple outfits! For instance, if you need a casual exploring outfit, but later you need to dress it up for going out? A basic bodysuit will work for both and then you only have to change from shorts to a skirt!

💗 Try to stay within a color palette so you don’t end up packing outfits that you can not reuse the pieces to make other outfits on your trip.

💗 Pack the first outfit you’ll wear on top! Start your trip off with ease and intention.

💗 Choose items that can serve dual (or more!) purposes.

Planning on going to the pool and it’s a warm place so you’ll need sandals that go with your outfits? Opt for the sandals over the flip-flops since you can wear those to the pool as well!

💗 Separate necklaces into separate plastic bags (literally a ziploc). Do you want to spend every morning of your trip detangling jewelry?

💗 Roll, don’t fold. Your clothes will fit into your packing cubes much easier!

💗 Wear your heaviest clothes on the plane.

You’re in sunny California but you’re going to a winter tundra, so you need your puffer jacket…not only will that take up an unbelievable amount of space in your suitcase, but it will also take up a large portion of the already-miniscule weight limit for your suitcase. So take it with you on the plane! Bonus? It can double as a pillow or blanket for plane napping.

My last tip? Relax & enjoy yourself!

And don’t forget the polaroid camera!


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