How to Clear Your Closet's Energy

We all know the method of taking everything out of our closets and then beginning a huge purging adventure that usually leaves us feeling empty and disjointed afterward.

Your closet is a reflection of who you are as a person. It can be the place where you store your favorite clothes and accessories, or it can be a storage space for all the things that no longer fit or don’t make sense anymore. Whatever it is, if your closet isn't organized, use this as an invitation to create some clarity.

We always think if we just had more space in our closet, we’d be more organized, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! In fact, having more space in our closet usually causes you to buy even more items to fill it, because we believe having endless options will make our lives easier. But really, having too many things in there makes them harder to find when needed. So no matter how much space there is, be sure to leave some breathing room to invite new things into your life.

Where do I even begin my cleanse?

To start your own Closet Illumination DIY, take everything out of your closet, but don’t feel the urge to start tossing things out just yet. When we just start purging too quickly, we usually go into clothing option withdrawals. So then we just run out and purchase replacement pieces that end up being similar to what we just tossed. So not helpful. Use this time to fully find the floor, wipe down the walls, and maybe even change out the lightbulb to turn up the visibility.

Touch everything and remove the obvious tosses. This will be anything that is too old to wear, too big/small, things that are too beat up or ripped beyond repair. If something doesn’t strike you as a HELL YES, then it’s probably a hell no and is not actually identifying with the image you want to cultivate. Now would be a great time to start a shopping list, make notes of things that you are getting rid of because they are worn out but you need a replacement. Anything that you’re holding onto, but might need some mending? Put that aside to bring to a tailor for repairs.

Resist the urge to toss every single thing that you’re not loving right now — just the worst offenders. I would hate for you to have toss-remorse or have nothing left if the situation is that bad. Keep things that you could possibly reuse or alter to better fit your style.

To make the most out of your closet, you need to organize what’s left by color, item, and fabric weight for easy navigation.

  • Color: This one is obvious — if you have a lot of black clothes in your closet, it would be nice to group them together in some way so that they can be easily spotted when looking through the items. For example, I keep all my blue shirts together and then have three separate piles for each shirt: light blue (the color), dark blue (the shade) and navy. Each pile has its own place so I know exactly where each piece is without having to dig through everything!

  • Item: This can be done by grouping items based on purpose. For example, if there are three different types of tops made from silk fabrics, then maybe it would make sense not only grouping them together, but also labeling each type according to its color/shade/length etc., as well as how many pieces are available within each category.

How do I know what to purge?

If you haven't worn it in a couple of years, ask yourself why. Is it because you don't have pieces that work to complete an outfit, or because its you don't like it?

If an item doesn't fit well and/or you don't feel good in it, it's time to stop wearing it and find something else that you feel more empowered in.

An obvious item to purge might be an ex’s sweatshirt you’re holding onto.

Donating clothing or using sites like Poshmark are a great way to mindfully clear out your closet. If you have items that hold particularly strong feelings that pull down the energetic vibration, you don’t want that in your closet! And a closing ritual might just be what you need to cleanse the items.

If you feel called to do a fire ceremony, keep reading for my Closing Ritual below!

Let It Burn - A Closing Ritual


  • Desert Sage

  • Black Peppercorn

  • Cumin

  • Dried Rose Petals

  • Object to release

Get ready in whatever way you are called to do. I spend the time before a circle getting ready, covering my body in glitter, and putting on as much crystal jewelry as I can.

Meditate and ground yourself before starting your fire.

Set your Sacred Space using the Desert Sage. This sage is for cleansing, strength, and healing.

Open your circle with the following incantation:

"I call upon my angels, spirit guides, and higher self to support me in my highest and greatest good and to be with me now.”

Sprinkle the mixture of dried rose petals, black pepper, and cumin into the fire. These herbs assist with healing, new beginnings, emotional strength, happiness, love, courage, and ridding your space of negative vibrations

Then say the following:

“Into the fire and the smoke, I offer the following to release: I let go of all the feelings, lessons, and emotions that do not serve me, all the negativity that has surrounded me, and I burn away all that I do not need. I let go of all the pain of the past and lovingly cut the cords that hold us attached. I give them back their energy and take back mine. I thank them and the universe for the lessons this has brought me so we can move forward with light and love.
And so it is.”

Add in the items to release, and once you feel like they have been cleansed, thank the universe and close the circle.

*Make sure the fire is completely extinguished once you are finished.


Packing: Efficient & Stylish


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