May 2023 Horoscopes

Horoscope for all signs

The month of May brings dynamic energy with many different things to juggle. Starting with the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on the 5th will reveal what needs a gentle push forward in our lives. Experiences can be powerful and emotionally moving. 

Then when Mercury retrograde ends on the 14th, routines can return to a more consistent flow. This is followed up by a major transit of Jupiter into Taurus, which opens doors of opportunity. Notice if your finances get a boost or a side hustle comes along that works out well for you! 

The month ends with the Sun transiting into Gemini on the 20th. This stunning transit ensures that imagination and creativity have a central role in the present moment. Embrace the drive to express yourself, exchange information, and appreciate your uniqueness. 

Dates to highlight

May 5th - Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - Deep dive into the psyche

May 7th - Venus transits into Cancer - Be kind to yourself 

May 14th - Mercury retrograde ends - Re-evaluate your perspective about the past few weeks

May 16th - Jupiter transits into Taurus - Great news for finances, resources, or side hustles

May 19th - New Moon in Taurus - Set long-term goals

May 20th - Mars transits into Leo - Get ready to express something bold about yourself

May 21st - Sun transits into Gemini - Unique and interesting conversations likely 


Your gemstone of the month: Selenite 

Colors for the month: pink, hot pink, lime green

You can clear the air in your relationships this month toward positive ends. With a deeper understanding between you and others, you feel you can move forward in a situation that has been on your mind. You will be able to push through anything that has been stuck and get right to the heart of the matter. With this newfound sense of clarity, confidence will grow and success will be had. Get ready to stand out, share your brilliance, and be creative. 


Your gemstone of the month: Turquoise 

Colors for the month: dark red, green, gold

You feel a strong pull to scrap something you’ve been working on and start anew. While this can be tempting right now, it is best not to make any rash decisions. Instead, focus on subtle moves and slight alterations. Smaller adjustments might actually be what the situation is calling for. The New Moon in your sign on the 19th will help you gain a clearer and long-term perspective. After this date, enjoy a strong sense of self, confidence, and direction. 


Your gemstone of the month: Clear Quartz

Colors for the month: midnight blue, fuschia, orange

A strong sense of purpose emerges this month to inspire and direct your way forward. You can feel that things have been cleared and now is the time to take action. The Sun transits into your sign on the 21st to bring brilliant energy, ideas, and momentum. This helps you express anything stagnant and get the ball rolling on some incredible ideas. Let the stunning energy of your creativity carry you from one moment to the next. Success around something special and unique is near. 


Your gemstone of the month: Rhodonite 

Colors for the month: bright yellow, light pink, blue

Events turn out much differently than you plan for, but in the best way. Find that you will have more energy and drive to put towards things that are truly important to you. You can see some things loosen that have felt stuck and finally feel that you are getting somewhere. Your problem-solving abilities kick in and major adjustments can be made toward positive outcomes. While things can be intense at this time, your family, friends, and community will definitely have your back. 


Your gemstone of the month: Bumblebee Jasper

Colors for the month: royal blue, black, white

This month be ready to express yourself. Find that you will have an incredible amount of drive to put toward particular projects, especially creative endeavors. There are win-win situations aligning for you and the outcomes you desire are likely. Your dreams can feel more crystalized and the meaning behind your goals apparent. This helps motivate you to push through, even when things seem tougher than usual. You’ve got amazing stamina, and this month, you’ll certainly need it. Ensure you build in some downtime when possible, self-care, and tune out from the external world when you need a breather. 


Your gemstone of the month: Black Tourmaline 

Colors for the month: lavender, peach, icy blue

You will tend to feel more social this month with a draw to community involvement and events. The eclipse on the 5th is likely to bring out your leadership qualities and urge you to take charge of something important to you. This is an important step on your journey and the insights that come up now can support long-term results. Your determination and steady resolve get you through a lot this month. Things chill out around the 21st, so you will have time to kick back and regroup after this date.  


Your gemstone of the month: Lapis Lazuli

Colors for the month: silver, gold, bronze

You are ready for pleasure and fun this month and will tend to set out to do just that! Connect with close friends and make some fancy plans. You can feel indulgent and in need of a bit of luxury, self-care, and enjoyment. Find what tempers you within it all; the harmonious balance you crave is possible. Your responsibilities can be handled with ease and grace, while you will still have space for all the fun, joy, and celebration that this present moment has potential for. 


Your gemstone of the month: Citrine

Colors for the month: mauve, charcoal gray, mustard yellow

You can get your hands dirty this month and really dig into something of importance. Your resolve will be stronger than ever and your attention to your goals absolute. Be sure to find ease where necessary as all of your energy on productivity and accomplishing your goals can lead to burnout. Explore ways to reduce stress without adding more pressure–a delicate balance for you to be sure. Luckily, you are feeling creative and definitely full of vitality, so you will have a lot of energy to spread around.  


Your gemstone of the month: Fluorite 

Colors for the month: black, dark pink, light pink

Find a nice balance between hard work and play this month. You can have a lot on your plate, so mitigating the effects of too many to-dos is essential. When you get days off, really luxuriate in them, fully allowing yourself to rest and unwind. Community connections can also strengthen this month, giving you an even wider circle of friends and contacts to partner up with toward shared goals. Some big changes are on the horizon; now is a time to gather your energy as you prepare for what is ahead. 


Your gemstone of the month: Green tourmaline

Colors for the month: burnt orange, ruby red, emerald green

You are hopeful that you can figure it all out this month and set a plan into action! Prepare for things to move ahead rather quickly after Mercury retrograde ends on the 14th. Be open to anything as life has a way of being unpredictable at present time for your sign. It’s an exciting moment to be sure, so enjoy the spontaneous or adventurous offers that might arise. You have a lot going for you and the people in your life are likely to offer their support. Express your talents and skills and view your dreams as real possibilities.


Your gemstone of the month: Ruby Kyanite

Colors for the month: dark red, magenta, silver

You can let your desires guide you from one moment to the next this month, feeling more instinctual and in touch with the deeper aspects of who you are. Opportunities for self-reflection are abundant as you uncover new layers of self to process and emerging perspectives to analyze. Personal growth is a journey you will tend to embark on this month in new ways. You are ready to confront what is true for you and put your energy into deeply understanding how you make meaning and how fulfillment is shaped in your life. 


Your gemstone of the month: Azurite

Colors for the month: bright yellow, gold, mustard yellow

This will tend to be a month of action when you are ready to launch into an idea you’ve been sitting on or planning for. Be open to things changing, even if you have prepared extensively. It is hard to predict what will happen, and that just might be the beauty of your present moment. You will find inspiration in the unknown and treasures in the hidden aspects of who you are. Reveal what is ready to be expressed and let your depth, artistry, and magic shine through for others to experience. 


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