Every Outfit is a Spell

I used to believe that fashion was just a way to make myself look good, but then I learned something amazing: fashion is wearable magic. It can help you attract good fortune, it can make you feel confident and authentic, and it can even act like a kind of vision board for manifesting your desires.

For example, when I put on my favorite outfit or pair of shoes, I feel more confident in myself and my abilities. When you dress up in the morning (or even just put on your favorite pajamas), it's an act of powerful intention that helps create a positive reality for yourself. It doesn't matter what style of dressing makes sense for your everyday life—whether it be minimalism, maximalism or somewhere in between—as long as you're putting together outfits that empower you and support the life that you want to be living!

Fashion can help you be your most authentic self

Fashion is a way to express yourself. It’s a way of showing who you are, and it can also help you feel more comfortable in your own skin.

The first step toward looking like your most confident self is experimenting with different outfits. You don’t need to spend a ton of money on fancy clothes—just get creative with what you already own!

It can help you attract good fortune

There is a lot of power in the way you choose to present yourself to the world and how you feel in your clothes. How can dressing up help you attract good fortune?

If you are confident and proud of who you are, others will see that too. It might be as simple as smiling at someone who walks past. That person will think, “Wow! She seems like such a nice person—I wonder if I have any mutual friends with her! Maybe we should get coffee sometime!” You never know what could happen if you just say hello first instead of waiting for others to approach you all the time!

And act like a wearable vision board to manifest your desires.

You may have heard of a vision board before, but I'm going to break down exactly what it is. A vision board is a collage of images that reflect your goals and aspirations for the future: places you want to go, people you want to meet, things you want to achieve and experiences you want to have. It's like creating an outfit—but instead of wearing it, you create an image board with clothes on it!

In addition to being fun and inspiring, having this visual representation of your goals can actually help manifest them in real life. By showing yourself visually what "winning" would look like—whether it's winning an Oscar or simply landing your dream job —you're paving the way for that future reality by projecting confidence into the universe as if it already exists in front of us right now. You can then use this as a mystical style guide to create your working wardrobe to call in those vibrations of your future self.

When you dress up, when you put on your favorite outfit, you are creating a spell that speaks to the world.

When you dress up, when you put on your favorite outfit, you are creating a spell that speaks to the world.

The power of intent is powerful and no matter how many times we forget it or try to deny it: we are always putting intention into our lives.

In fact, each time we choose one thing over another—a new job over an old one, a different course of action than what was expected—it's because at some level we have made a choice about which path best matches our true nature.

And when we act from this place of truth, regardless of whether or not others can see it (or if they even care about seeing it), there is power behind our words and actions because they come from an internal source rather than simply being reactions to other people or circumstances outside ourselves.

Dressing with styled intention is far from a superficial exercise, it is a practice of powerful, life-affirming action.

Dressing with styled intention is far from a superficial exercise, it is a practice of powerful, life-affirming action. When you dress the part you want to play in life, your clothes become an extension of who you are and how you wish to be seen by others.

When we put on clothes that reflect our values and make us feel good about ourselves inside, we are sending out energy that attracts people who share those same beliefs or goals. If we want to feel confident and empowered when interacting with other people, then wearing clothing that reflects confidence can help us achieve this goal!

That's why it's so important to take care of yourself and build yourself up with self-care in order to keep your confidence high.

I've noticed that when I feel good about myself and my appearance, I also feel more confident. And when I feel confident in my own skin, the universe sends me people and experience that support me.

A working wardrobe enhances your unique attributes and personal magnetism.

Your wardrobe can help you feel more confident, attractive and powerful. If you dress for the occasion, you will feel better about yourself as a result.

A working wardrobe consists of items that make an outfit work for the situation at hand - whether it's casual Friday at work, going out with friends or attending a formal gala event. Your "working" clothes should be selected based on what's appropriate for each situation - with consideration given to how they fit together in terms of color scheme and fabric choice (layers). Think of it as a personal branding tool to tell the universe who you are!

Put together outfits that empower you and support the life that you want to be living.

It's easy to start making a habit of dressing with intention. Start by looking at what you like, and then look at your wardrobe and think about what pieces will help you achieve your goal. It doesn't have to be complicated; all it takes is a little bit of thoughtfulness when putting together an outfit.

For example, if I want to feel like myself again after having my baby last year, I'll put on some yoga pants or leggings that remind me of how comfortable I used to be with my body before she was born (and also how much weight I gained during pregnancy!), plus an oversized shirt that feels cozy but not too tight around my chest area where there are still some post-baby stretch marks from nursing her for almost two years straight!

If someone were feeling anxious about their job search or worrying about landing their dream job, they might choose something fun and colorful that makes them feel excited—maybe even bright pink socks! Or perhaps they would wear a piece of jewelry they bought while traveling abroad in Italy when they had more time on their hands than usual (which could give them confidence and remind them why it's worth pursuing).

All these choices add up over time until eventually it becomes second nature—like putting on shoes before heading out in the morning!

Fashion is wearable magic.

The clothes you wear are more than what they seem. They're a way to express your creativity and personality, but they also hold the power to make you feel confident, beautiful, and strong. It's not just about looking good—it's about feeling good.

To get started narrow down a color palette that feels completely you and then use it to put together outfits that you would routinely need. That could like outfits to feel confident at work, evenings out with the girls and casual errands. Think as if you were costuming a movie of your life, what would the lead character need in her closet?

Other timeless pieces include leather jackets for men and women alike; fedoras for women (and men who want something fancy); ankle boots for fall/winter weather; hats for spring/summer weather; trench coats year-round; cardigans whenever possible...the list goes on!

Express Yourself

So, you know that fashion can help you express yourself and attract good fortune. You also know that it’s not just about looking good on the outside, but also feeling good internally. Now all we have left to say is: go forth and dress! And remember, if something doesn’t work out exactly how you want it to (and sometimes even when it does), don’t let that deter you from trying again tomorrow with a new look or idea in tow.


Sagittarius Season November 23rd thru December 22nd


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