Things to be Grateful for this Fall

I'm a sucker for fall. I love the colors, I love the changing leaves, and most of all, I love the food. It's time to start thinking about pumpkin spice everything and cozy sweaters. So here are some things to be excited about as we head into one of my favorite seasons!

Time to Hike

Nothing like time outside to reset our bodies and minds and the cool weather is perfect for hiking. The leaves are changing colors, making for a beautiful and colorful hike.

Finding the Perfect Shade of Pink for My Design Studio

Finding the perfect shade of pink was a lot more difficult than I anticipated, but it was totally worth it to make my studio feel like home. The color reminds me of everything feminine and beautiful, which is the part of myself that makes me feel most confident and empowered.

My Pink Christmas Tree

The first thing I did this year when decorating for the holidays was buy a pink Christmas tree, because it just makes me happy!

Time off my phone

I know, I know. This sounds like the most obvious one and maybe you're even thinking "well duh." But hear me out! I love being able to stay in touch with my friends and family but there's also something so nice about disconnecting from the internet every once in a while and just taking a walk around your neighborhood or sitting on the fire escape with a cup of tea.

When we spend too much time looking at screens, we get tired eyes, sore necks and shoulders as well as anxiety (which can lead to even more fatigue).

getting back into nightly painting

Painting (or any creative endeavor) can be an outlet for your feelings and help you relax after a long day.

streaming holiday movies

Who doesn't love a good movie? This fall, when you're looking for something to watch while you de-stress, a few of my favorites so far have been.

  • Surviving Christmas

  • Elf

  • No Sleep til Christmas

  • The Holidate

  • A Castle for Christmas

  • Christmas with You

  • Midnight at the Magnolia

I’m grateful for the cool autumn air and crisp colors of this season. It’s a great time to get outside, whether it’s for an afternoon hike or just taking your dog on a walk around the block. I also love finding new ways to decorate my home with fall-themed items like pumpkins and branches from the forest floor!


Every Outfit is a Spell


Into the Mystic | October 2022 Collection