Sagittarius Season November 23rd thru December 22nd

Sagittarius Season is that time of year when we find ourselves questioning who we are on the deepest of levels. This season asks us to dig deep into our motivations and what drives what we choose to do in life. During this time period, which lasts from November 22nd until December 21st (yes, that's right next week), Sagittarius is going to now give us the space to go out and explore with this new identity, with whatever transformation we went through during Scorpio season.

It gets us thinking about who we are on the deepest of levels

Sagittarius season is all about looking at the bigger picture, and how we fit into it. This season is all about finding our purpose and following our dreams, no matter how far-fetched they may seem to others. It's also a time for us to reflect on who we are on the deepest of levels—what drives us, what makes us tick?

Sagittarius season brings with it the need to find answers to these questions and more. And if you're lucky enough (and willing), this season will give you just what you're looking for: clarity, understanding and direction in your life that will help guide you forward with confidence and purpose—which could mean big things for your future!

We may have found ourselves questioning our motivations and what drives what we choose to do.

There's a good chance that the Sagittarius season will be a time of questioning your motivations, and what drives you. This is a great opportunity to reflect on why you do what you do, as well as what your goals for the future are. It's also an ideal time to take stock of how your daily habits contribute (or don't) to attaining those goals.

Sagittarius Season begins on November 22 and lasts all the way until the December 21 Solstice.

The Sagittarius Season is the time of year when we feel most optimistic, self-assured, and brave. It's no wonder that so many people connect to this sign!

During this time period, you may be feeling extra brave and confident—which means now is an excellent time for personal growth.

Sagittarius is going to now give us the space to go out and explore with this new identity, with whatever transformation we went through during Scorpio season

As we go on, we will find ourselves questioning our motivations and what drives what we choose to do. We may also find that something is missing from our life.

We'll have a desire to explore new areas and change things up a bit—maybe even change careers entirely! The Sagittarius season is all about traveling and trying new things, but with this transformation comes uncertainty as well as excitement. In fact, this season is all about transformation: letting go of the past so you can move forward into a bright future filled with hope and possibility!

This season offers us an opportunity to show up differently than we have in the past, whether in our relationships, within our families (hello, holiday gatherings!), or even with ourselves.

Sagittarius Season is the perfect time to take a step back from the hectic pace of life and focus on what matters most. This season offers us an opportunity to show up differently than we have in the past, whether in our relationships, within our families (hello, holiday gatherings!), or even with ourselves.

As you prepare for the holidays and all of their accompanying festivities and traditions, consider what new experiences might be available for you this year. If family gatherings aren't usually your thing—or if they've always been stressful—this could be an especially good time to take some risks with your loved ones by showing up in ways that are authentic but may feel uncomfortable at first glance (e.g., telling them how much they mean to you). Or maybe try something fun like hosting an open house party where people can bring food rather than making it yourself so that everyone has more chances for interactions! Whatever choices seem right for you during this season will help create positive change over time as well as establish new habits that last long after December 22nd rolls around each year!

"This is a great time to move your manifestations forward because luck is on your side."

This is a great time to move your manifestations forward because luck is on your side. The energy of Sagittarius season is for moving forward, for manifesting and making things happen. This means that during this period of time your life tends to revolve around working towards goals and aspirations rather than reflecting on personal history or experiences from previous years.

How to Style Your Intentions during this time:

  • Write down your intentions.

  • Travel or make travel plans.

  • Do things that are out of your comfort zone, like visiting a new place or trying a new food, and be open to being surprised by what happens in the process!

  • Do something for someone else, even if it's as simple as helping them with their grocery shopping or washing their car!

  • Take a class in something you've always wanted to learn how to do (I personally recommend burlesque classes!)

  • Get yourself an awesome new hobby!

This next month should feel optimistic, expansive, and even quite lucky.

  • This season is all about manifesting your intentions.

  • You may feel more optimistic and expansive than usual, with a sense of good luck accompanying you as you go through your daily life.

  • The universe has everything set up perfectly for whatever it is that you want to come into your life during Sagittarius Season.*


Sagittarius season is a great time to take action on the things you've been dreaming about. It's a perfect time to push forward with your goals and start seeing the results of all that hard work! If you've been wanting to start a new project or make some kind of change, now is the time to do it. You'll have plenty of energy, motivation and support during this month so go ahead and make those changes happen!


November 2022 Collection


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