Winter Solstice Ritual

Winter is coming baby! Or maybe depending on where you hang your stylish coat at night it has already arrived in a cozy envelloping wrap of chilly night air. As we crack the lid on the last month of the year I invite you to take stock in the three hundred and thirty four days.

December 21st marks the day of the Winter Solstice and Yule if you follow a more witchy calendar. A favorite way to celebrate the solstice in my book is to hold a bonfire. What better way than to permantly release things physically or metaphysically that you are done carrying around?

This goes without say but if you decide to have one of your own be sure to do so in a fire safe container, make sure the flames are completely out, channel your inner smokey the bear here and only burn things that are safe to do so.

Once you've got your location all figured out decide what you are letting go of. I once lit fire to old my journals from my childhood.

  • If you are letting go of metaphysical things you can even write them on slips of paper to add into the fire.

  • Feel free to sprinkle in herbs like Rosemary, Chamomile or Lemon Balm. These are great are releasing past emotions, providing a cleansing energy and instilling love back into a practice.

  • Take time to add the items that you are releasing, as they catch fire give thanks to the lessons they brought you and thanks for them leaving your space.

When you feel that is everything is burned or all the energy is spent feel free to sit with your Yule fire, dance it out around it or give one last thanks and extinguish the flames completely.

Happy Solstice,

Alice Wylde


Styled Intentions: 2022