Styled Intentions: 2022

Jessica Withey Photography - 70's glam fashion

A quick flip through my phone’s photo library will show the revolution of my personal style over the years, from a very cookie cutter pin up girl, to a Rachel Zoe-esque silhouette to the dreaded slide into loungewear that cursed many of us the last two years.

The last couple of months I dreaded anything that entailed actually going out, because I absolutely hated my wardrobe. I know this must sound trivial but as a self proclaimed fashion lover and designer, having nothing to wear seemed like the absolute sin. And for real, when you don’t feel good in your clothing, then the rest of the outing tends to follow the attitude. So here we are days before the clock strikes midnight and I am having a bit of a Project Runway moment when it comes to reinvention.

Cultivating a Styled Intention for 2022, at least the first half of it will allow for clear thinking when it comes to outlining this new style of mine as well allow myself to fully define a look. Which at the end, makes getting dressed and shopping so much easier.

Feel free to copy my steps and do this for your own wardrobe!

“A witch is just a girl who knows her mind.” — Cathrynne M. Valente

Step One:

Head to Pinterest and Create a Board

This is a personal favorite of mine to create a digital mood board as well as having a search option for finding instant inspiration. If old school is more your vibe, grab your magazines and print out the following. Blindly pick and pin experiences you want to cultivate this coming year, silhouettes and colors that inspire you.

Step Two:

Give it a name! This name should cover the 80% that make up the foundation of being you and the 20% that is all creativity of yourself. Think roots and wings.

I’m still thinking on mine, so far I’ve come up with;

  • Nomadic Eccentric

  • Witchy Glamour

  • Classic Eccentric

  • Eclectic Creative

Step Three:

Go through your board and pick out any similar features, maybe everything includes a defined waistline, a party inducing heel or a red lip. Use these highlights to concoct your style guide.

Step Four:

Once you’ve selected the similarities between all of your images, write yourself a style manifesto so when you are getting dressed or shopping you have a guideline to hold your wardrobe too.

An Eclectic Creative Style Guide

Think huge poolside approved hats, a bikini always tucked into a handbag, just in case. Fun mules that screen 1950’s sex kitten. A colored french tipped manicure and fingers full of gemstone encrusted rings. Not going anywhere unless I can take my vintage Mercedes, top down of course. Curtain bangs and mused hair that is either perfectly styled or perfectly bedtrousled. Sharon Tate inspired eyeshadow behind huge Chloe sunglasses. Statement jackets that have people wondering if you’re actually a movie star, love notes written on the back of postcards, a collection of hotel matchbooks in the bottom of your purse. More pink hair dye than you know what to do with, garenteeing that your color will never fade. A small tote bag stuffed with multiple phones, ipad and charging ports for on the go business. Matching sets for perfect wardrobes.


Embody Your 2022


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