Its Written in the Stars

Monthly overview for all signs

This month reveals opportunities for deepening insights into your emotions. Layers of the self can come to light, leading to a more authentic expression of who you are. Give plenty of space for self-care and nourishment. The energy is dynamic at this time and having some grounding and restful practices can make a big difference. Following the 22nd, creativity will be ready to flow. Consider being more playful and expressive with your style following this date. Then at the end of the month, at the New Moon on the 28th, you will be ready to set things anew in preparation for anything that you have upcoming next month. 

Dates to highlight: 

July 4th - Mars enters Taurus - Set long-term goals

July 4th - Mercury enters Cancer - Express your feelings with more openness

July 13th - Full Moon in Capricorn - Take some time for self-love and care

July 17th - Venus enters Cancer - Do something comforting for yourself

July 19th - Mercury enters Leo - Connect with people in your online social spheres

July 22nd - Sun enters Leo - Do something bold with your appearance or style

July 28th - New Moon in Leo - Declutter and make space for the new 


Your gemstone of the month: Diamond

Colors for the month: Green, brown, violet 

You can find that this month you are needing to make some space for yourself from your everyday routines and tasks. It can be a great time for resting, planning a vacation, or a trip somewhere. Consider what you need to feel rejuvenated and well. There are many moments of insights that are possible when you take the time to understand how you feel. In addition, you can be ready to plant some seeds of intention for where you see things going next for you. 


Your gemstone of the month: Ruby 

Colors for the month: Red, burgundy, black 

You can feel a lot of energy around the things you want to accomplish this month. There is a growing desire to move towards things you want to be doing while leaving some things behind. You can be going through some changes in your daily life or work routines, wanting to find a better flow with the things you have going on. By the end of the month, your creativity can be especially expansive and you can expect to want to spend more time on projects and interests that bring you joy. 


Your gemstone of the month: Moonstone

Colors for the month: Violet, green, sky blue

You find your spark this month, that mystical and elusive aspect of yourself that is fueled by inspiration and vision. Bring what you are working on out into the open, and share your ideas, your plans, and experiences with others. Your theme is to carry things into the forefront of your being, giving yourself space to be expressive. Be ready to think outside the box as your enthusiasm for projects and ideas will continue to grow and expand. 


Your gemstone of the month: Opalite 

Colors for the month: Red, orange, yellow 

This month, you have an opportunity to feel unstuck. You can find your inspiration and feel impassioned by events happening around you. This motivates you to take action in ways that make sense for you and who you are. Expect several moments of retreat as well, being able to sink back into your home or sacred space for rejuvenation when needed. By the end of the month, you are ready to get involved in some interesting local projects, new work agreements, or other external events. 


Your gemstone of the month: Sunstone

Colors for the month: Gold, bronze, burgundy 

Your passion for life is out in full force this month. You feel inspired and ready to make some important moves in your life. After the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd, there will be more decisive energy and you can invest your attention in choosing which way to take things. You can expect to be particularly self-expressive and want to put yourself out there more. New beginnings are on the horizon and you can sense that change is definitely in the air. 


Your gemstone of the month: Snowflake Obsidian 

Colors for the month: Orange, turquoise, brown

You keep a close eye on things this month, wanting to ensure you aren’t missing any important details as they come up. Pay careful attention to the way your interactions with others are unfolding right now, as there can be necessary information being exchanged. A strategic approach to work situations will be helpful to circumstances going your way; keep things balanced and steady in your decision-making. And don’t be afraid to try something new when it feels right!


Your gemstone of the month: Pearl 

Colors for the month: Gray, light rose, silver

Anticipate being more instinctual with your decision-making this month as the energies prompt you to operate using your intuition. You can become more emotionally invested in situations and your interactions will tend to have a slight edge to them as a result. Let yourself express what you are most passionate about right now. Your words or messages will tend to have a big impact on those around you and your social relationships and work connections will tend to be more energetic. 


Your gemstone of the month: Hematite quartz 

Colors for the month: Blue, yellow, red 

You tend to get into your own rhythm this month, following your own sense of pacing and timing that works best for you. This can mean taking more space to do things or speeding up on some things as it feels right. The energy in your life will tend to have a flavor of wanderlust, dreams, and even spirituality. Expect your intuition to be spot on as your focus starts to zero in on a few particular tasks or interests that you have going on at this time. 


Your gemstone of the month: Blue Aventurine 

Colors for the month: Royal purple, eggplant, gold 

You are able to move through emotional blocks this month being more in touch with how you feel about certain things. This can help you get through some impactful conversations with some of the people in your life. Your relationships will be a central focus, with you being able to meticulously hash something out with another. Focus on the details and the nuanced experience of your feelings. New ideas are also able to get off the ground this month. You can feel more resolved toward accomplishing your goals. 


Your gemstone of the month: Agate

Colors for the month: forest green, sage, brown 

You can feel ready to leave something behind in the past and move your focus more into the present moment. It can be an emotional time as you sift through events and circumstances. Do what you can to feel grounded and well. In addition, ask for support from your partners, family, and community when needed. This is an excellent time for deepening into an interest or hobby that is important to you. Practice releasing from self-judgments that you may have and go for what you are passionate about. 


Your gemstone of the month: Blue Goldstone 

Colors for the month: Royal blue, silver, purple 

You can feel a pull inward at the beginning of the month, to spend time on your own and with your thoughts. This is a good time for sorting through your feelings and coming into a deeper understanding of where you are at with things. Your relationships will then be in focus later in the month, and you can invest your energy in how these are going for you right now. Details will be a particularly important aspect of whatever it is you are doing at this time. Pay close attention to the intentions behind your approach. 


Your gemstone of the month: Malachite 

Colors for the month: Brown, gold, green 

Your emotional abundance will be showing this month and can be felt by the people around you. An outpouring of inspiration, feelings, and passion help bring you into new territory with others. Relationships can find a new depth and meaning. In addition, you can really feel a creative edge and therefore, fuel your projects, hobbies, or interests with a dreamlike glamor and magic. Be ready to share with others something you have been working on and feel motivated to put yourself out there. 

Written By Raphael Zahavah at Emerald Visions for House of Wylde


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