August Horoscopes – Spirited Creativity

Monthly overview for all signs

The month ahead brings moments for creativity and self-expression. Find that things tend to flow quickly and ideas move into your mind space with swiftness and agility. There is a sense of growing generosity that you can be experiencing in your communities and amongst your friends. Notice the people around you eagerly ready to share ideas and create spaces for belonging. This is a great month for getting ideas off the ground and finding a steady sense of flow in your life. Find that tangible results are within reach as your dreams are being woven into being. 

Dates to highlight: 

August 3rd - Mercury enters Virgo - Share your ideas 

August 11th - Full Moon in Aquarius - Embrace feeling inspired 

August 11th - Venus enters Leo - Let generosity flow  

August 20th - Mars enters Gemini - Write down your thoughts, journal, and tell stories 

August 22nd - Sun enters Virgo - Focus on your health and wellness 

August 25th - Mercury enters Leo - Get creative with your words and communications 

August 27th - New Moon in Virgo - Set intentions around spirituality or wellbeing


Your gemstone of the month: Garnet 

Colors for the month: Silver, gray, olive green

You find your flow this month using your inspiration to lead you into expressing new versions of yourself. Expect to be filled with creative ideas for your personal style, aesthetics, or life in general and overflowing with energy to put them into action. An increase in inventiveness is all around you, allowing you to bring these sides of yourself to others. Your relationships, friends, and connections all get a boost of positive and uplifted energy at this time. It is a magical period for delving into your creative layers and unique personality. 


Your gemstone of the month: Rose Quartz

Colors for the month:  Orange, magenta, bright pink

You can be feeling very bright and open this month, wanting to share parts of yourself that you are normally shyer about. Explore different ways of getting your art, creative projects, or other things you are working on out into the collective. Be prepared to have opportunities coming your way. There can be multiple avenues for your creative expression that are coming together for you. Consider that some changes might need to be made in the way you are going about doing certain things. Contemplate where flexibility would be helpful and how you can adjust your timing to make things work better for you. 


Your gemstone of the month: Micah 

Colors for the month: Blue, green, purple 

Find a sense of centeredness within the many things that are going on for you at this time. You can feel that you are ready to polish off a project that has been in the works, getting it organized and ready to come to fruition. Your creativity will be especially prominent right now, with ideas moving through you with incredible speed. Let your insights guide you from one thing to the next as you settle into who you are becoming. Taking action is your theme, therefore putting plans into motion will tend to bring things together for you in positive ways. 


Your gemstone of the month: Petrified wood 

Colors for the month: Gold, yellow, brown 

You can experience a resurgence of interest in things from your past, wanting to explore projects and other pursuits that once filled you with intense passion. Seek out things that you have left behind but will still spark your inspiration if picked up again. This month, you can allow your mind to get curious about the way things have unfolded. You can observe your life from a new angle and see where you might make adjustments toward fulfilling dreams and desires. Then, by the end of the month, you are ready to take it easy and spend time with good friends and family. 


Your gemstone of the month: Red tiger’s eye

Colors for the month: Fiery red, bronze, white

You tend to be more emotionally expressive this month, with a passionate bent and an eye for the creative. There can be many moments for sharing things you are working on as well as being around your friends and having new experiences. Expect your inspiration to be flowing and ideas to be coming to you with ease. Then by the end of the month, your tendency is to spend more time on tasks related to your daily life, bringing organization and dedication to what you are doing. Be open to trying new routines and discovering fresh approaches to your experiences. 


Your gemstone of the month: Unakite Jasper 

Colors for the month: Pink, yellow, blue-green 

Your month tends to bring you incredible innovative insights into your work, projects, and endeavors. You have a lot to share and offer to others and it shows in the amazing way you are going about expressing yourself through your actions. Find your passion drawing you into unlikely places and explore new ways to approach the things that bring you inspiration. You can be filled with an intense desire for doing more of the things that you love. The end of the month will bring opportunities for clearing your mind and getting a fresh perspective. Be ready to birth new ideas into being. 


Your gemstone of the month: Spirit Quartz

Colors for the month: Violet, emerald, yellow 

This month brings you moments of realization around your life’s journey, providing you with insights on where to go next. You can find that you feel more connected to the people around you and generally have a stronger desire to relate and spend time with others. Anticipate opportunities coming your way around uncovering your depth and inspiration. The planetary alignments support you in feeling more inclined to be in touch with your inner world and able to find potent ways for expressing your emotions, creativity, and yourself in general. 


Your gemstone of the month: Amethyst 

Colors for the month: Blue, orange, peach 

You are able to see your path unfolding in front of you with astounding clarity at this time. Expect this month to present signs along the way for which direction you should take on something you have felt unclear about. You find that you can be more decisive as well as busy planning for your next adventure. There can be many chances for self-discovery right now and unique ways for you to express or explore new sides of yourself, especially in regard to your creativity and passions. Take note of what is calling to you. 


Your gemstone of the month: Turquoise 

Colors for the month: Pearl, pink, orange 

You can feel like taking some space for yourself this month to work on your own projects and pursuits. Find that your endeavors are met with more success and situations just tend to fortuitously work out for you right now. There can be multiple occasions this month in which you find your deepest dreams and passions are calling to you. Notice how you have increased momentum for working towards these things and tying the threads of your inspiration together to weave the life of your dreams. This is a time for planning and contemplation about what your future can hold. 


Your gemstone of the month: Shungite 

Colors for the month: Turquoise, sea green, black 

You can tend to feel an increased sense of drive this month toward the things that you want to be doing with your life. Notice how your passion helps you put increased effort toward things that really matter to you. This month, you will tend to be in situations that help you uncover and understand more deeply what your strengths really are. You can be more invested in developing your talents and undertaking new areas of study to expand your skills. This is a great time for learning, crafting, and creating.  


Your gemstone of the month: Jade

Colors for the month: Black, magenta, green 

You are able to be more in touch with your intuition this month, supporting you in making decisions that resonate with your life’s path and make the most sense for you at this time. This is a time for connecting with others and finding that you can follow the threads of your curiosity into new and deepening relationships. Your social circles are bound to expand and you can find yourself in situations with others where you are collectively solving problems and figuring out manageable solutions to complex issues. This is a great time to utilize your creativity and skills of innovation. 


Your gemstone of the month: Blue lace agate 

Colors for the month: Gold, purple, silver

Notice your timing of events this month and practice planning things ahead when possible. You have a passion that is ready to be uncovered and a desire to see what lies beneath the surface of your being. This is a time for sinking into your creativity in a way that allows you to play, explore, and discover the myriad ways of expressing your uniqueness. You find that you are touched by the world around you and that you can step into the present moment to experience things in a way that is boundless and expansive, open-ended and infinite–inspiring you on multiple levels. 

Channeled and written by Raphael Zahavah at Emerald Visions for House of Wylde.


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