Horoscopes for June 2023: New Adventures

By Raphael Zahavah at Emerald Visions 

Horoscope for all Signs

This month, you can be pulled toward activities that are new, novel, and adventurous. There will be space for setting new goals and bringing fresh energy to your everyday experiences. A sense of excitement in the unknown will bring inspiration. 

Give yourself time to be with friends, make new connections, or participate in interesting events. This is a month to get involved in your local community and see what is happening around you. The Solstice on the 21st will be an especially community-minded time. 

Be ready to feel uplifted and to be called to try new things. There are unique places to explore and experiences to have. An open and receptive energy will carry you into meaningful moments with the people you love. 

Dates to highlight

June 3rd - Full Moon in Sagittarius - Embrace not knowing and enjoying the ride 

June 5th - Venus transits into Leo - Express yourself in a bold way 

June 11th - Mercury transits into Gemini - Share something unique on social media

June 11th - Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn - Re-evaluate financial or business goals

June 17th/18th - New Moon in Gemini - Look out for opportunities, they’ll be everywhere 

June 21st - Solstice & the Sun transits into Cancer - Have a celebration, be with friends

June 26th - Mercury transits into Cancer - Express your emotions to someone you love


Your gemstone of the month: Lapis Lazuli

Colors for the month: Bright red, sea-blue, black 

You’ll be surprised at yourself this month with many new aspects of who you are coming to the surface. Expect to feel more adventurous and ready to express different sides of your personality. It’s a great time to experiment, show off, and put yourself out there. You will be full of creative ideas and interesting things to share with others. Your friendships, family connections, and other relationships will be especially highlighted this month. Make plans to spend quality time with the people you love. 


Your gemstone of the month: Turquoise 

Colors for the month: Green, blue, iridescents 

You’ve certainly got a mind for having an adventure this month and will have endless ideas for what to do next. Your bigger life goals can become even more clarified in order to help you make decisions for moving forward. You tend to be future-minded right now and want to keep things open-ended. It's a time of exploration, freedom, and ultimately, figuring things out as you go. Embrace the unknowns and the excitement that can be present when you anchor into the mystery of what could happen next. There is definitely a theme of destiny at play at this time. 


Your gemstone of the month: Selenite

Colors for the month: Red, white, gold

You can be ready to embrace something new about yourself this month. Be open to sharing these different sides of yourself with those around you. There is much to discover as you play around with your look, style, or other creative aspects of who you are. New friends and social networks will be the norm right now, so be on the lookout for making connections with those who inspire you. Anticipate events, parties, and unique gatherings happening all around. This is the time to make fun plans, travel, and be open to random or interesting experiences. 


Your gemstone of the month: Ruby 

Colors for the month: Light yellow, grayish-brown, pink 

You are ready for a change and now is the month to implement what you have in mind. Generate the courage to make moves in your life. With the Solstice aligning in your sign on the 21st, this can be a catalyst to take a new direction on something. You will have more passion to put towards doing the things that you love, spending time with loved ones, or making important decisions about your career. Get the advice of someone you trust, as right now this can be exactly what you need. The path ahead will become clear and you can feel inspired by what might happen next. 


Your gemstone of the month: Aventurine

Colors for the month: Black, white, emerald green

Tap into your intuition this month to support you in managing your experiences. You can be in a space where you would like to deepen your process around a project, endeavor, or other goals. This month can awaken you to underlying motivations and truths that fuel the decisions you tend to make. Give yourself space to reflect on what you are feeling. Complexity is definitely present, but you can discern what is most important for you to focus on right now. Keep trusting your instincts, feel into what is going on, and all will become clear eventually. 


Your gemstone of the month: Citrine

Colors for the month: Red, sea green, cream 

You bring glowing confidence into this month which enhances everything that you do. Your dreams can be given more space and you can also desire to cultivate more intimate, close, and personal connections. Consider being open to meeting new people as someone you meet now or in the near future can have a big impact on your perspective. These major life shifts will tend to bring inspiration and motivate you to do something you haven’t done before. Embrace the spirit of adventure as opportunities come your way. 


Your gemstone of the month: Emerald

Colors for the month: Orange, mustard yellow, purple 

Your heart is open this month to new and deepening experiences. You can find that connection building comes naturally and an organic flow to your relationships helps you to feel relaxed and at ease. You will notice that stress can be lessened as you open to implementing more self-care practices that support your well-being. Notice what activities, especially creative ones, call to you right now. Try to not let self-doubt get in the way, you’ve got some incredible things to share with the world around you. 


Your gemstone of the month: Rose Quartz

Colors for the month: Olive green, burgundy, rusty orange

This month brings out your sensitive sides, so be ready to express your feelings. Tap into the intuitive aspects of your being that help you read situations for what they are. You are in tune with events that are happening around you and can see the deeper underlying truths of a situation. This can help you make decisions, weigh your options, and process events. Take space for yourself to reflect and draw your own conclusions. You can trust your instincts. 


Your gemstone of the month: Pyrite

Colors for the month: Deep red, purple, brown 

You can feel very lucky this month with multiple opportunities coming to fruition! Things can be about to change which is helping you feel a refreshed sense of inspiration. Your drive will tend to increase right now and you can put more attention towards the things that help you feel fired up and passionate. This will be the perfect time to explore new endeavors or projects that are aligned with your values, dreams, and goals. You can begin something new or deepen into something already in motion. Either way, there will be movement and change! 


Your gemstone of the month: Clear Quartz

Colors for the month: Silver, black, pink

This month will bring you an incredible amount of clarity around your life’s path, goals, and desires. Be prepared to put something new out into the world, a creative project, or other offerings. You have a lot to show for yourself with all of the hard work you have put into your passions. Let the drive and determination that you can access carry you through this present moment. You are likely to feel very confident, so utilize this time to take some risks that you can feel good about. Now is certainly a time for your participation in your broader community. 


Your gemstone of the month: Hematite

Colors for the month: Red, turquoise, white

You don’t need an excuse to have a good time! This month, carve out space to make your own fun. Spend time with friends and celebrate even the most random things. You could use the time to unwind, build community, and make connections. Expect to be ready to socialize and share time and space with others. There can be interesting conversations to have, experiences to engage with, and unique things to do, such as an art or music show or other creative events. It’s all about getting out and about expanding your horizons.


Your gemstone of the month: Malachite 

Colors for the month: Hot pink, gold, light pink

You will have an opportunity to express yourself in new ways this month. Your creative style and personality will be on display and others will definitely appreciate your unique flair! It’s the perfect time to experiment and add a bit more variety into the mix. You can explore different ways to express yourself, try new outfits, or other artistic forms of expression. Seek out experiences that will allow you to gather inspiration for your next creative project. There is depth, complexity, and nuance to your process and it shows in the subtle and magical ways that you bring everything together.  


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