Horoscopes for August 2023 – Once in a Blue Moon

By Raphael Zahavah at Emerald Visions 

Horoscope for all signs

This month, remember to dream. Look up at the sky and take in the stars. Connect with nature and the deep mystery that is all around us. August 30th is a Blue Moon, a phenomenon that occurs when there are two full moons in a month. Let this extraordinary energy inspire and instill a sense of the sacred in your everyday experiences. 

What can you do that is out of the norm for you? Tap into your courage and confidence to bring something unique and creative into form. Access your imagination to push to new depths and a more expanded vision of what is possible. 

It’s time to unveil what you have been working on. It might not be perfect, but there is something poetic in a work in progress. Explore and express your art, songs, style, and more this month with beautiful results when you take a leap of faith. 

Dates to highlight

August 1st - Full Moon in Aquarius - Be inventive with your style

August 8th - Half-Moon in Taurus - Take a deep breath

August 16th - New Moon in Leo - Set intentions for a creative practice

August 23rd - Sun transits into Virgo - Start a new habit

August 23rd - Mercury retrograde begins - Take your time

August 24th - Half-Moon in Sagittarius - Prepare for travel

August 27th - Mars transits into Libra - Plan to take things slow 

August 30th - Full Blue Moon in Pisces - Take space to daydream


Your gemstone of the month: Fluorite 

Colors for the month: Purple, pink, white

A strong desire to feel balanced and well characterizes your experiences this month. You will have opportunities to spend time on your own to reflect and regroup. While events in your life are likely to have been busy recently, this month provides you with some downtime. You can pay attention to self-care in new and deepening ways. This might include emotional wellness, attention to your physical well-being, and more. Let yourself explore what your deepest needs are right now and go from there. 


Your gemstone of the month: Celestite 

Colors for the month: Charcoal, silver, turquoise 

Your desire to experience the pleasures of life can be especially strong this month. You are wanting to experience all the beauty, wonderment, and awe that is present in the world around you. Get ready to be moved by nature and to fully want to embrace the magic and mysteries that life offers. You can be provided with a unique opportunity this month. Ensure that you analyze it carefully as certain aspects of information might be inadvertently hidden from view. Just take your time and assess what it is you truly want before making any decisions. 


Your gemstone of the month:  Morganite

Colors for the month: Burgundy, yellow, gold

A strong desire to create is with you this month. You won’t be able to help yourself but experiment with unique materials, textures, and themes. An endless stream of inspiration awakens your senses anew in each moment. Follow the path that your deep self longs for. Notice what you are drawn towards and move closer to that. There is a touch of the mystical in your current creations, keep going with it, even when the path ahead seems unclear. 


Your gemstone of the month: Aquamarine

Colors for the month: Sea-green, white, gray

You're able to focus on long-term goals, career, and creative projects this month with precision. You will have all the tools at your disposal and might even discover a new one that becomes a game changer. Keep exploring what inspires you and striving for your dreams. Events are set to slow down just a bit this month, making everything more methodical even as things are still coming to fruition. Embrace your ability to be deliberate as your intentions are everything right now.  


Your gemstone of the month: Ocean Jasper

Colors for the month: Sandstone, light pink, light yellow 

You will tend to take a different approach than usual this month to your life, daily events, work, and more. You are apt to venture into the unknown with a heart of adventure and a penchant for discovering something new about yourself. Find that when you embrace a different perspective clarity will be present on the other end. Envision fresh ways of seeing the events of your life. Experiences can be put into context through a new lens. The insights that are unveiled provide support, understanding, and meaning to a variety of aspects of your life.  


Your gemstone of the month: Serpentine

Colors for the month: Violet, bronze, green

You will make significant strides around something deeply important to you this month. While results might not be physical, they are emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually meaningful. Your perception is likely to feel enhanced and your intuition sharpened. Bring this underlying awareness of life into your interactions. What arises will be a brilliant inspiration and insights into how to proceed on an aspiration or goal. You will see success come to fruition and events align in magical ways.  


Your gemstone of the month: Opal 

Colors for the month: Bright pink, orange, yellow

Be deliberate this month as you move through your experiences. Take your time when crafting responses or responding to messages. Meaning can get lost more easily right now, therefore, slowing down and utilizing careful discernment can support positive outcomes. Ask for clarity when necessary, even from yourself at times. Question why you are doing what you are doing and take things in a new direction if the situation calls for it. Great things can come from a leap of faith right now. Try something out of the ordinary and move beyond your comfort zone if it feels right for you. 


Your gemstone of the month: Citrine

Colors for the month: Baby-blue, gold, white

A strong sense of resolve takes you from one moment to the next this month. You won’t believe all the advancements you can make on even the seemingly most stuck problem. Your tenacity will carry you along as you break through roadblock after roadblock. Events of this month will inspire you to create practices that allow you to release or manage stress and anxiety in more effective ways. While the dynamic energy keeps pushing you forward, temper the desire to move ahead, with balanced well-being and self-care. 


Your gemstone of the month: Moonstone

Colors for the month: Cream, bronze, gold

You will have a dreamy sense of wanderlust this month driving you towards trying new things. You might be craving travel or experiences that get you out of your comfort zone. This will be a month of experimentation, rest, and leisure. While there can be work to get done, of course, you will still have time to take a breather. Find the space to unwind with family and friends when you can. Explore places you haven’t been before and make arrangements to get out of the ordinary routines of your everyday life. 


Your gemstone of the month: Amethyst 

Colors for the month: Red, magenta, black 

This month you will be tapped into the magic of possibilities. You can feel optimistic about the way things are working out. It’s an ideal month to clarify exactly what your desires and aspirations are. You are likely to feel more dreamy and idealistic which can contribute to a strong sense of hope in things just working out as they are meant to. Focus on the things you are good at, what excites you, and awakens your passion. Something beautiful is in the works, even if the entire map isn’t lit up just yet, keep pressing forward and trusting your instincts. 


Your gemstone of the month: Lepidolite 

Colors for the month: Silver, metallics, white

Intuition will be especially strong this month to support you in all that you have going on. Continue to tap into your emotional awareness and sense the underlying feelings that can pass between you and others. A strong sense of community and the various roles everyone is showing up to play will leave an impact on you. You will be inspired to take your place among the group, emphasizing your talents, passions, and drives. You can be recognized for the things you're especially good at and the beautiful heart of service you tend to bring to your network and circle of friends. 


Your gemstone of the month: Lithium Quartz

Colors for the month: Blue, light green, pearl 

Playful energy allows you to get out of your comfort zone this month and experiment with style, identity, or other aspects of your self-expression. You can feel a breeziness that washes over your experiences allowing you to unwind and sink into your passions and interests. New information can come to light that inspires you to take a deep dive into an area of research, spirituality, or other topic. You will have immense stamina and focus to truly uncover something unique this month! 


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