Horoscopes April 2023 – A Time of Opportunity 

Horoscope for all signs

This is definitely a month to pay attention to opportunities. Events will tend to come together this month in alignment with personal goals and desires. While things won’t be happening at lightning speed, there can still be significant changes. 

As experiences unfold, seek moments of enjoyment and indulgence. Find peace, pleasure, and joy this month. Do things that allow you to feel good about yourself. Then when Mercury begins a retrograde cycle on the 21st, plan to take some space to regroup. The end of the month is perfect for a break, vacation, or taking it easy. 

Dates to highlight: 

April 3rd - Mercury enters Taurus - Take care of business, get organized, financial planning

April 5th - Full Moon in Libra - Enjoy some downtime, unwind, and relax

April 11th - Venus enters Gemini - Make new friends, learn a new craft or skill

April 19th - Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries - Take it easy 

April 20th - Sun enters Taurus - Take some time to ground and reset 

April 21st - Mercury retrograde begins - Give yourself extra time to get from place to place


Your gemstone of the month: Rhodonite 

Colors for the month: Hot pink, red, gray

You can feel that things are coming together differently than they might normally for you this month. This tends to help you manage your experiences in new ways and come to a deeper understanding of certain aspects of your life. Your relationships will provide an opportunity for insights to be revealed. Find that you can also have more energy to put towards relationships, especially when it involves collaboration. The more you can experience harmony when working with others, the better things will tend to be for you right now. 


Your gemstone of the month: Garnet

Colors for the month: Gold, brown, red

You can feel inspired by nature this month to get outside and explore a bit. The wilds are calling to you and beckoning you out of your usual comfort zone. It’s a nice time to expand and see what is around you. Join unique events or social groups as a space to branch out and express yourself. Then balance this all out by taking life in stride. Feel grounded and easy-going this month with extra space for figuring things out and making plans. It’s all about taking your time and enjoying the little things right now. 


Your gemstone of the month: Sodalite

Colors for the month: Blue, green, white

You’ll tend to feel more aligned with your goals this month with a mind for being more organic in your flow. Magnetic energy is with you that amps up your influence and enhances your experiences with others. Enjoy some positive attention and appreciation from others during this time. You will find that you are drawn to doing things that make you feel good along with a desire to prioritize your happiness. It’s a good month to ease up on yourself so you can find more enjoyment in the present moment. 


Your gemstone of the month: Aventurine

Colors for the month: Pale Yellow, light pink, gold

You are likely to feel more adventurous this month and can readily take someone up on a unique offer! Find that events in life have a tendency to feel more steady right now which is helping you feel more confident to branch out. You can do things out of your norm and not feel too destabilized or off-balance. This can also be a flirtatious and playful time for you to explore ways to express other sides of yourself. Life is about pleasure and happiness at this time. 


Your gemstone of the month: Malachite

Colors for the month: Turquoise, emerald, mustard

Get ready for opportunities to be abundant this month. Life can feel energizing right now as experiences start to come together. Feel that things are being woven for you in beautiful ways and the resources you need are starting to align. The Solar Eclipse on the 20th will be a particularly powerful time for you to reset. Find that the deep well of inspiration is ready to be tapped in order for you to move closer to a dream or desire. Life is ripe with potential. 


Your gemstone of the month: Rose Quartz

Colors for the month: Dark red, sand, beige 

You can feel that the foundations that keep everything running smoothly in your life are ready for a reset. This can be a time to tap into new ideas you can implement. Find that you tend to be a bit more impulsive than usual right now and ready to jump into action. At the same time, you keep things practical and although you have a lot of momentum, you keep a cool head through it all. Everything clicks into place right when it is meant to and by the end of the month, you can feel good about taking a break or rest from all the hard work. 


Your gemstone of the month: Black Tourmaline 

Colors for the month: Grey, beige, shimmery pink 

You’re ready for some relaxation and fun this month as it's all about finding your joy. You’re needing some peace and want to feel good about yourself. Explore new self-care routines or spend time indulging in the things that really make you feel well. Inspiration for beautifying your surroundings and taking it easy at home is likely. In addition, this month can put a big emphasis on your close relationships. Welcome in new energy around the Solar Eclipse on the 20th to bring in a fresh perspective to your connections. 


Your gemstone of the month: Bloodstone

Colors for the month: Purple, hot pink, orange

Find ways to ground this month and root into a routine that works for you. Life can feel like an interesting mix of intensity and steady progress. You can tend to have more momentum to put toward things you want to get done. Anticipate opportunities coming into your life around the 20th that reveal new directions you can take. Let yourself indulge a bit when it feels right. This month it's important to make space for the work that needs to get done while also remembering to find your pleasure and peace. 


Your gemstone of the month: Carnelian 

Colors for the month: Mint green, burgundy, yellow

Get ready to mine the gems of inspiration that are within you. Now is the time to share what you have been working on, reveal a business idea, or go deeper into your endeavors. Events are aligning for you and there is an immense amount of momentum behind your projects and goals. The beginning of the month will tend to be better for getting things done while the second half of the month will be for enjoyment and celebration. Get everything done and then plan for a vacation, a break, or a trip. 


Your gemstone of the month: Jasper 

Colors for the month: Dark green, violet, gold

Expect opportunities that seem to come out of nowhere. Life is going to move fast, so you will have to remain alert to all the things happening around you. Following the 20th, you might get a breather and have some time to just take things in. During this period, find a way to celebrate and unwind. Get outside or connect with nature when you can. A breath of fresh air will be needed so you can gain perspective. Things are finding a balance and while that gets worked out you might feel a little taken by destiny.  


Your gemstone of the month: Clear Quartz

Colors for the month: Light blue, silver, white

You can expect to have incredible momentum for an endeavor you have been working on for some time. This month brings you a gust of energy and you will have a ton of ideas, inspiration, and drive to get to that next level. Learning opportunities can be all around you. Look out for things that grab your attention, there is something deeper for you to explore here. Keep researching and gathering information. You can be close to a breakthrough but can take your time as things get revealed piece by piece. 


Your gemstone of the month: Ruby Kyanite

Colors for the month: Light blue, bronze, peach

Another fresh start can be coming your way as the planetary alignments support new beginnings. You can feel hopeful and inspired to make what could feel like some significant changes to the way you are doing things. Let yourself gather ideas and then make some moves. It’s a great time to figure out where you want to go next. The sense of excitement for something you haven’t done before can be driving you forward. Enjoy the ride! 

Written by Raphael Zahavah at Emerald Visions for House of Wylde


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