Why You Need to Clean Out Your Closet

Everyone has closets, but not everyone is organized. A cluttered closet is a sign of disorganization and may reflect a lack of control in other areas of one’s life. It can cause stress and anxiety, while open space can lead to clarity and productivity. If you want to get dressed in half the time or simply enjoy having everything at your fingertips, then it's time for an overhaul (or an expansion!). This about having an aligned working wardrobe that fully supports your life and your dreams!

Clean out your closet.

First, remove anything that is no longer useful or has become damaged. This will help clear space in order to make room for new items that will bring out the best version of yourself.

Do away with anything ill-fitting or that you haven't worn in a couple of years.

If you haven't worn it in a couple of years, ask yourself why. Is it because you don't have pieces that work to complete an outfit, or because its you don't like it?

If an item doesn't fit well and/or you don't feel good in it, it's time to stop wearing it and find something else that you feel more empowered in. Donating clothing or using sites like Poshmark are a great way to mindfully clear out your closet.

Organize what's left by color, item and fabric weight for easy navigation.

To make the most out of your closet, you need to organize what’s left by color, item and fabric weight for easy navigation.

  • Color: This one is obvious: if you have a lot of black clothes in your closet, it would be nice to group them together in some way so that they can be easily spotted when looking through the pile of items on a hanger or rack. For example, I keep all my black shirts together and then have three separate piles for each shirt: light blue (the color), dark blue (the shade) and navy. Each pile has its own place so I know exactly where each piece is without having to dig through everything at once!

  • Item: Once again this works well with grouping items based on purpose—for example if there are three different types of tops made from silk fabrics then maybe it would make sense not only grouping them together but also labeling each type according to its color/shade/length etcetera as well as how many pieces are available within each category.

A clear closet is a statement about who you are as a person.

Your closet is a reflection of who you are as a person. It can be the place where you store your favorite clothes and accessories, or it can be a storage space for all the things that no longer fit or don’t make sense anymore. Whatever it is, if your closet isn't organized, use this as an invitation to create some clarity.

When we think about our closets and rooms being full of stuff, we often assume that means they're cluttered with junk or useless items—but this couldn't be further from the truth! In fact, having too many things in there makes them harder to find when needed. So no matter how much space there is, be sure to leave some breathing room to invite new things into your life.

It's easier to get dressed when your closet is organized and light.

When your closet is organized, it's easier to find what you are looking for. You can see everything at once, so it's easier to get dressed when you know exactly what's in your closet. If you don't know where something is, then you run of the risk of possibly buying duplicates. Did you know that in most cases we only wear about 20% of the clothing we own?

You see, clutter is an issue because it keeps us from focusing on what we need to do—and that's why you should take the time to clear out your closet once in a while!

You know exactly where everything is, which makes choosing an outfit easy.

Then you can see everything at once.

You know exactly where everything is, which means that when it's time to put together an outfit, there's no guessing if something will fit or not—you just pull out whatever item seems like it would work best with what else is already in your closet (and then throw away anything that doesn't).

Save Space

Vacuum bags are also great for compressing down sweaters or out-of-season items so they take up less space. This makes it easier to store them away, giving you more room in your closet and reducing the amount of time it takes to organize what goes where.

You’ve got this!

Closets are an important space in your home, but they can also be a source of stress and anxiety. If you’re not sure how to start organizing them, this post is for you. We hope it will inspire you to get started on your own Closet Illumination!


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