Horoscopes for July 2023: Vibrant Creativity

By Raphael Zahavah at Emerald Visions 

Horoscope for all Signs

This month is characterized by creativity, productivity, and action. There can be a drive to get things done and a desire to sort through, figure out, and manage all the different areas of life. With the Sun transiting into Leo on the 22nd, this means that there will also be plenty of time to unwind, relax, and enjoy the company of others. 

While things will tend to be on the busy side, you can feel good about the variables that can come together. The important thing to keep in mind is that while plans can change, everything will tend to work out in positive ways! 

Overall, this month is perfect for tapping into creativity or working on projects that require specialized talents. Skills and abilities will be highlighted and appreciated by your community and networks. It's time to shine and stand out! 

Dates to highlight

July 3rd - Full Moon in Capricorn - Be resourceful with what you have

July 10th - Mars transits into Virgo - Take it easy, focus on self-care

July 11th - Mercury transits into Leo - Make new connections

July 17th - New Moon in Cancer - Eat your favorite foods 

July 20th - Sun trines Neptune - Use your imagination 

July 22nd - Sun transits into Leo - Embrace your creativity 

July 22nd - Venus retrograde begins - Do something nice for yourself 

July 27th - Venus and Mercury conjunct in Leo - Celebrate something with friends 

July 28th - Mercury transits into Virgo - A time to get organized 


Your gemstone of the month: Carnelian 

Colors for the month: White, black, blue    

You will tend to get exactly what you want this month. Things just work out with little effort on your part. It can be exciting to let events just flow and see what happens. Your experiences right now can invite new opportunities into your life. Be on the lookout this month for offers that are easy-going or require a hands-off approach. Overall, there will be a sense of spaciousness that allows you to feel relaxed, calm, and present.


Your gemstone of the month: Black Tourmaline

Colors for the month: Light pink, dark red, gold 

You can feel abundantly creative this month and open to a new plan or idea for a project. A drive to experiment will be prominent and tend to characterize your approach to life right now. A sense of wanting to drift, dream, and just see where things go can be strong at this time. This can lead you to want to travel or explore somewhere or something you haven't done before. Notice what themes are particularly poignant for you. Give yourself time to contemplate what brings you meaning and how you want to experience your life. 


Your gemstone of the month: Labradorite 

Colors for the month: Chartreuse, deep purple, orange 

You will receive the encouragement that you need to get an endeavor up and running this month. Lucky breaks and amazing outcomes will be the major themes. While destiny might seem to be at play right now, embrace the big sweeping changes that bring fresh and inspired energy into your life. Optimism drives you forward to explore, so remain curious and be open to where life is calling you to go. Taking a poetic, creative, or artistic approach weaves just the right amount of meaning to your experiences. Feel your dreams come to fruition. 


Your gemstone of the month: Azurite 

Colors for the month: Pearl, cream, silver

You are hopeful this month to see things align in magical ways. You can tap into your wonderment and awe as you commune with the beauty that is around you. Connect with your surroundings and notice what is inspiring to you. There are leaps you can take at this time toward your dreams and aspirations. Consider your day-to-day life and what you envision for yourself. New ways of being can come into play. Let yourself expand into new ways of thinking, being, and experiencing.  


Your gemstone of the month: Malachite 

Colors for the month: Bright red, white, orange 

This month, you can tend to focus on practical matters. Finances, side hustles, and work are all up for review. You tend to have a keen mind for business and figuring things out. Make a clear plan and follow your instincts as you move through your experiences this month. Your decisiveness will especially come in handy when it comes to negotiations, contracts, or other important talks with the people in your life. Get ready to set some things up for yourself with excellent results! Good things are coming into play, it can be an exciting time for you. 


Your gemstone of the month: Green Garnet 

Colors for the month: Black, mauve, gray 

You are ready to crunch the numbers and make a plan for a new endeavor. This month, you can expect to feel an increased sense of tenacity and drive to get something going. You will figure out exactly what leads to your success, which helps you put plans in motion. Consider consulting with others if things seem confusing or unclear. While you have a lot of momentum right now, some complex issues can arise. Ensure that you have a strategy that allows you to confront things as they come up. Get ready to make your next move with incredible results! 


Your gemstone of the month: Clear Quartz

Colors for the month: Magenta, peace, purple 

You will tend to be completely captivated by your experiences right now. There can be a magical sense of meaning in your life right now that makes everything more vivid. You will have deep moments with others that allow intimacy and closeness to grow. Your friend groups can strengthen as your community involvement expands. This is a time to get out and meet some people, spend time with others, and be social. Good things will come together for you as you express yourself to the world around you.  


Your gemstone of the month: Hematite Jasper 

Colors for the month: Orange, turquoise, pink  

This will be an incredible month with opportunities to invest your time in learning, travel, and creativity. You can expand your perspectives as you move beyond your usual routines. New experiences can be constant, giving your mind a lot to digest and new experiences to take in. Local trips or travel can be a major theme right now with chances to go places you haven’t been before. Get out of the box and embrace the desire for something new and eccentric. This is a time to make some memories. 


Your gemstone of the month: Sodalite

Colors for the month: Hot pink, maroon, green 

Anticipate important changes ready to unfold in your life. You can make a new plan or shift direction towards something new. While it can be a shock at first to realize you are taking a completely different path than you first intended, ultimately, there is excitement in the unknown. The first steps on a new journey are about to begin. Right now, you can prepare yourself, make a plan, and discern where you will go from here. Consider your options and what sparks the most inspiration and intrigue. A way forward is being illuminated for you. 


Your gemstone of the month: Orange Calcite

Colors for the month: Deep red, mustard, cream 

Find ways to ground this month. Root back into yourself and seek an inner compass of peace. You can tap into an incredible storehouse of strength allowing yourself to feel centered in who you are and where you are heading. Try to carve out space for yourself so you can regroup and focus on your passions. There will be ample opportunities to invest in your dreams and aspirations. Keep visioning, planning, and gathering inspiration. Amazing things can come to fruition. Your creativity, individuality, and confidence will guide you. 


Your gemstone of the month: Lapis Lazuli 

Colors for the month: Pale yellow, blush, beige 

This month, there is a tendency to look within. You can be more reflective on your experiences, reserved, and internally focused. Let yourself reignite aspects of yourself that have been dormant. Now is the time to reawaken your passions and let your creativity flow freely through you, just for you. Some projects and endeavors can be fueled by your abundance of inspiration. You can put your heart and soul into something you love with beautiful results this month! 


Your gemstone of the month: Amber 

Colors for the month: Brown, gold, bronze

You cannot help yourself but get swept up in the magical energy of the present moment. It’s a beautiful thing as you keep your awareness on the pulse of life. This month, tap into your surroundings and draw energy, inspiration, and connection from what is going on around you. Experiences will be rich with meaning. Your relationships are marked by depth, trust, and intimacy. Let this month be one for exploring your surroundings, getting to know yourself, and remaining open and curious about the world. You never know what might come through.


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