7 Ways to Stay Inspired This Fall

Any wardrobe witch worth her salt knows that intentions around the space, whether it’s our closets, our vanity or our kitchen matter. As we step into the last few months of the year, I want to encourage you to reflect on the goals that you set out with back on January first, where are you with them? How do you feel about them? Has your momentum slowed a little?

Don’t fret! These things happen, life happens, movie dates and family happens. So take a moment today to realign with where you want to be in the next three months.

Here are my favorite seven ways to refresh my space to support my visions.

  1. Create a mood board, obviously. Whether this looks like a scrap book, a magazine cover or a neon sign, hang something every day that will keep your goals at the top of your thoughts.

  2. Give your home a good sweeping! Sweep each room back to front and out the door!

  3. Decorate with Himalayan candle holders to rid your space of negative ions and turn up the cozy vibrations.

  4. Check in with your wardrobe, does anything need mending, hemming or replacing?

  5. Spritz everything down with your favorite linen spray to infuse your space with intentions.

  6. Blow a handful of cinnamon in through your front door to encourage abundance.

  7. Touch your clutter, clutter is a sign of procrastination and blocks the Universe from delivering you more.

Remember, you’ve got this babe! DM and let me know how this resonated with you and how you feel afterwards!



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